Thursday, November 18, 2010


I logged on to facebook,
Only to read a total flirt message because Mr. Beautiful and another Ditsy.
All the hawt guys are always already taken, I swear TT_TT

And always by the ditsy girls.
Bitter much?

Today was fun,
Despite the fact I was going nuts not knowing what to do for my Acadec speech.
(I changed my mind AGAIN. Five times more, in fact).
I ran around like crazy with a bunch of my friends-that-are-girls after school.
Haven't done something so carefree in a long time :)
With girls who already know your faults,
It's good to not have to pretend,
And just be yourself.

Started watching another series, Devil May Cry, just for the hell of it.
I think I'll drop it; it kinda sucks.

And as for that topic I kept talking about yesterday...
I don't even know why I bother.
There is so not anything going on between us.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Mr. Beautiful is an exaggerated title. Seewah, there are plenty of fish in the sea! Survey around a bit before you jump in the water!
And another thing: they're just fish. The world doesn't revolve around fish, you shouldn't either. Learn this. #Beccucius