Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it just me, or does this picture look ridiculously cliche?  Y'know, kinda like the Sample Pictures already on your computer when you buy it?
Anyway, it's a picture of my math teacher's ancient dog, Lady.  Her distinguishable feature (beside the fact that she's old)? She doesn't shed-- she molts.  It's kinda disgusting.  And she LOVES cherries... which makes you wonder how her owners can stand cleaning up after her.
We took the picture at a party on Saturday with my mom's super cool camera that none of us even know how to use.  It's one of those professional-looking types where you can take off the lens and you zoom in by twisting the lens, and this sticky-thingy comes up and flashes every time you take a picture.  Yep, it's pretty cool.  Unfortunately, I know nothing about taking cool pictures.  So, I've been thinking-- should I take a photography class?  I mean, not only would I look insanely awesome as someone who looks like she knows what she's doin' when she handles a camera, but I'd ACTUALLY be able to make something visually appealing.  I mean, my friends can all draw or something, but anything I do with my hands ends up looking like total crap.  I can't exactly bring a piano with me everywhere I go, and people start calling me granny whenever I start crocheting, so... yeah.  PLUS, I'd be able to post cool pictures online, like real bloggers with real lives do (LOL).  Since, y'know... all I do is write and stuff.  Just being the narcissistic teen who thinks people care about what I say.

Well, school's just about over, so here's my schedule for next year:
1. Honors English 10- THANK GOD I'M GETTING NEW ENGLISH TEACHERS.  No offense to my current teachers (actually, I don't really care if I offend them or not), but this year was... not good.   I mean, our teachers previously taught elementary students, and it showed.  We wrote very little serious essays (in fact, we wrote little at all), spent FOREVER doing silly projects, and read like 6 books as a class when as an Honors class we were supposed to have read like, twelve, I think? So yeah.  I was disappointed with English this year.
2. AP Chemistry (although I heard rumors about AP Anatomy).  This scares me a little.  Is our science teacher (currently teacher Biology, when his major was chem) QUALIFIED to teach an AP class?  I know you have to have a certified teacher or something, and let's face it, his teaching this year wasn't exactly challenging, considering he just summarized what was in the book.  Or rather, quoted the book word for word.  However, since his major IS in chemistry, I think hope wouldn't be wasted on thinking that this coming year might be better.
3. AP World History.  It sucks that we're taking World History twice in a row, but since it's AP this time, and it will be insanely hard this time around-- I'm fine with it.  A little scared with having to write essays and annotated timelines all the time, but fine.  Wish that we could be taking AP US History, though, since would've matched up with our Academic Decathlon subject.
4. AVID 10.  And aren't we all just EVER so happy about that...
5. Academic Decathlon Yay!  See
6. American Mock Trial, which will be taught by my AP World History teacher, who is a lawyer (and a fanatic about copyrights).  I'm a little scared to take this class at the same time as Academic Decathlon... but heck, it's worth a try.
7. Art History. As a college class.
8. Economics. Also as a college class.  I'm scared these two will be DARN STINKIN' HARD.
9. Possibly another year as a Teacher's Assistant for the math professor.  Maybe. Let's see how hard things get.
10. Pre-Calculus, as dual-credit for high school and University of the Pacific (woot-woot!) ^^  Can't wait!  Even though I heard it'll give me a brain wreck.
11. Anime Club! This year REALLY sucked, so hopefully people will still want to do this.  I want to run for president this year and make it really fun... go to conventions, plan fundraisers, hold movie nights... all the like.
12. Key Club. My dad told me an awesome idea... giving books to public schools in the Philippines! I think that'd be really great, because it's a different type of fundraiser that'll help most of us get rid of books we don't want anymore, and help children in poorer parts of the Philippines learn English!  As many who have visited such schools now, the books there are VERY old-- like, at least 50.  So yeah!  I was also thinking about doing a pen-pal system with students from over there, but considering the price of postage, I don't think the schools over there would be able to do that.  Oh well... my sister was thinking about doing some local stuff here at the school: for example, Meatless Mondays (as inspired by "10 Things I Hate About You") and In Her Shoes (as part of Sexual Harassment Awareness, where everyone in the school wears heels).
And of course, I plan to get back on track with having a proper piano teacher, going to gym classes (and possibly taking up a sport), volunteer work, etc...

With all this going on, should I take up Chess Club?
#"I just don't know what to do with myself." -Song by... The White Stripes?  Don't really remember. (*EDIT* I included the video below)
Okay, well... that was way more than you wanted to know about me.  Here's a few links and stuff to make up for all that jabber:

My sister is currently experimenting with cosmetics (seeing as how our family is very inexperienced >.<).  Isn't she such a motivated artist?
By the way, my birthday is well... today (May 21), but because I knew my friends were trying to throw me a surprise party, they celebrated it on May 20th instead.  Pictures on Facebook! (
Gotta sleep now!  There's a test 3rd period and a semi-formal dance tonight! Ciao!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm sorry, does my success OFFEND you?

So today the truth comes out: my PRECIOUS friends think I'm a totalitarian who won favor from my teachers.  A little background information: during Academic Decathlon, my sister and I were put in charge of the class a lot.  Over our winter break study groups, I led everything.  And finally, during competition, my sister and I came home with half the team's medals.  And yet, they have the audacity to hate-monger amongst themselves on twitter.  And what do I say to that? GO SUCK IT. (Excuse my French).

Here's something to chew on: before you start criticizing ME, just try and do better.  Hell, I don't even care if you use underhand methods (because in the end, that'll be you're downfall).  I might be giving the impression that I do nothing but read manga and talk to foreign people online, but hey, there's a REASON why my grades are better than yours and the teachers trust me. So grow a pair and shove it.

Baibai now! <3