Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Should be finishing my homework, but screw it.  I wrote a post earlier, but it was too hateful so I saved it as a draft instead.
Listening to Never Know by Jack Johnson.
Finished Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad on hulu.  I thought it was a dud at first, but it's really not too bad.  I mean, for all the fuss that was being made in the anime about the quality of music, Koyuki's singing wasn't really awe-inspiring at all, nor was his guitar playing particularly great, but it's a cute little anime.  Makes you wonder what kind of morals they're trying to teach about life though: Koyuki quits school, Saku runs away from home, Maho roams around sleeping with various strangers, Ryusuke gets beat up, makes shady deals, steals and breaks into cars... Sheesh.  Then again, there was that element of "Let's not conform to what society demands because that's what makes good music".  To that, no comment.
Anyway, over the four day weekend I also watched Samurai Champloo and Jyu-Oh-Sei. The first was great, the second was iffy (more of a time consumer than a omg-such-a-great anime!)  However, I'm still a little disappointed with the ending of Samurai Champloo.  I'm not exactly unhappy, but... there's just that feeling of dissatisfaction, you know?  I suppose it's just the shojo-addict in me wanting to know if Fuu will ever get together with either Mugan or Jin, but then I guess it just wasn't that type of anime.
Here, pictures to enjoy!

Music has just now switched to Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson.  He's not really the best artist to play when you're trying to pull [another] all-nighter, hmm?
Here, pictures I found just browsing the net... enjoy and good night!  Time to finish my homework.  For reals, this time.
[click the pics for link to artist's website]

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