Saturday, July 30, 2011

Project Runway Season 9: New Loves and New Hates

Just watched the first episode of season 9, and I have to admit, I'm pretty damn excited.  I have three favorites: Old Man, Miss Trinidad (although I don't know how she'll hold up, being such a newbie), and of course...

OLIVER GREEN! >/////////////////<

The outfit he made for the first challenge really wasn't that great, but he makes up for it! JK, I think that's an insult to him as a designer (but his face really is amazing... if he doesn't win Project Runway, he should just become an actor or model or something... or marry me XD).  The stuff on his portfolio is very interesting; when I see his designs, I feel like he has himself in mind when he makes them.  What would he wear?

I'm not that into menswear, but I love this, and I love him.
I'm rooting you on, Oliver! |\(^////^)/|

x___x <-- Death by nosebleed

Not the best picture, but... sigh, he's amazing.

Okay, who did I not like?  These two, who remind me of my pet peeves from Season 8:

I mean, they kinda look the same, don't they? >:|
With Danielle, it's a personality thing.  She reminds me of Gretchen.  I mean, they might be nice people in person, but on TV they look like jerks. I was so mad when I found out that Gretchen won.
And it Joshua, it's not just a personality thing.  It's his design. Just like with Michael C, I really don't think he should be there. His stuff looks like crap; he looks like he's out of his league. There was a few moments in the beginning of Episode 1 where they showed one of Joshua's dresses; it was this bright pink thing whose silhouette was just atrocious, and it reminded me of something that Michael C. made back in Season 8.  I mean, come on, people!

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