Monday, July 25, 2011

Hallo, Minna!

So I'm going to SoCal for my "real" vacation now, and this may be the last time I have access to an internet connection for the next five days, so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can. MANGA-CHAN, I SHALL MISS YOU! >3< That said, I hope I enjoy my vacation... because it'll probably be full of fighting.  My parents tend to get stressed out when they're not in familiar surroundings. Hell, even when they are in familiar surroundings, they get stressed out.  I think it's the fight between stubbornness/free-spending (Dad) v. frugality (Mom... after all, she's the one who actually handles household finances... as probably a whole bunch of other moms do).

Anyway, I've been searching around different sites lately, dipping my feet with different genre of manga and anime.  Some good, some yucky, some downright disgusting, and most mediocre.  But seeing as how I only got a few hours of sleep last night, I don't really feel like elaborating which ones were which.  Maybe when I get back. (:

So.. yeah! I'm going, everybody! Be good and at least try not to have too much fun without me!  Even if you usually do. (>___<)  <--- No life.

(I thought I'd leave you with some good thoughts, so I'll leave you with Aizen.)

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