Friday, July 1, 2011

Cars I Want

I was chatting with my friend on Facebook and we got around to talking about cars.  Here are a few I wouldn't mind having (okay, that I would DIE for):

A '72 light blue Impala mustang convertible.  I saw one for sale once when I was on the bus home from middle school.  I fell in love with it instantly.  But after a few weeks I never saw it again. :'(
This one wasn't quite the same as the other, but close enough.
Ignore the old men.

This sucker from Batman.  Christian Bale (LOVE!) is in the way, but you can still get an idea of how AWESOME it is.  Too bad about that crash! Broke my heart.


My first love, seen in the Thomas Crown Affair starring Steve McQueen (my first actor crush... IGNORE THE AGE DIFFERENCE, I was like 6 when I first had a crush on him, okay).  It's from the beach scenes.

God, I could kill for that.

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