So, the big "Thing" which has been wrecking my sub- and not-so-sub- conscious lately: I am
still putting off my summer homework. Seeing how it is 2.42 am on Friday, August the... 6th (?), and I start school at 8 am Wednesday the 11th, I am soon to be in big BIG shi..itake mushrooms!
Anyway, the other "Thing" is... my
dearly beloved
sister has come home from Missouri and I am
oh so overjoyed.
Especially because she broke up with her lame boyfriend and keeps complaining about that and keeps telling me to get my eyebrows done and tells me to get the hair dryer from the apartment downstairs and I had to gather up all my clothes from upstairs and lock it downstairs so she wouldn't steal it like she always does and she keeps accusing me of stealing her iPod. Sorry, was that a run-on sentence? I kinda just needed to get that out there.
On much brighter, less stressful notes: manga/anime commentary!
Shiki: I am absolutely lovin' this series. It's like, so... what words should I use to describe it? Mystery, suspense, Japanese, bishie, and vampire! But like, not in the cliche, Twilight-and-the-like-inspired sense. You know how people seem to be obsessed with strange and mysterious epidemics that suddenly hit the modern world? Well, it's kinda got the feel of that, but only because the villager doctor and monk don't suspect something supernatural... such as vampires. By the way, the "vampire" thing is so NOT a spoiler. It's super obvious from episode 2 that the deaths are a cause of vampires or something, which makes me more than a little frustrated with the main characters. Then again, they weren't exactly expecting something that's not supposed to exist... but COME ON PEOPLE, HAVEN'T YOU EVER WATCHED A HORROR FLICK?
[link to show page on Hulu]
Trace: Speaking of typical Sci-fi, you've probably heard the template for this storyline over and over. You know, the "30 years ago supernatural creatures came to Earth and caused utter destruction, ruthlessly killing human lives. For some
strange reason, some humans were mutating and also started having supernatural powers..." cliche? Yeah, that's pretty much the basis of this story, except that this is pretty much my first time reading a Sci-fi manga with this type of storyline, so I'm pretty interested... for now. I mean, on top of the not very original story idea, the presentation is just a little confusing (although that's probably just the fault of me reading in it's unofficial form), and the art's not particularly aesthetically pleasing. In truth, I'm only reading it because I caught up with the "Noblesse" updates, but well... I think it's progressing okay enough.
[link to manga page on Mangafox]
Black Butler II: ♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If ya watched the first season and were disappointed with the outcome so ya decided not to watch the second season: WATCH THE NEXT SEASON YOU'LL ABSOLUTELY LOO~VE IT. Claude (the new butler) is totally on par with Sebby! But Ciel is way awesomer than that brat Alois.
[link to show page on Hulu]
Um... well, there's more I want to say but Becca seems pretty annoyed and Mom and Dad just woke up and will probably be mad that I'm on the computer at 3.10 am so BAI!