Friday, July 9, 2010

Annoying [=_=''ll]

Apparently, the Pre-Calculus class that I'm supposed to take this fall won't be dual credit for high school and college. But that's not what I'm annoyed at; when my dad heard that, he got pissed off and went drinking, even though he gets REALLY bad low-blood sugars whenever he does that and I keep telling him he STINKS.
Really now, he's stayed away from alcohol for so long and then got drunk at least 5 times in the last year.

On the bright side, I was having a manga-tastic day just a few hours ago.  I get so giddy just thinking about the next Bakuman chapter, and I just finished the anime version of "Nodame Cantabile". (The latter is actually a bittersweet thing).

'Kay, well time to be pissed of at my dad on another website. Ciao! >3<

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