Because we never had a chance in the first place.
I finally see what my teacher meant by "The youth will always try to live to their ideals".
I always thought that's what everyone did.
Woops, there goes my idealistic thinking again.
Idealistic and stupid. The two words that describe me best.
Hurrah for MS Paint.
Well yesterday was weird, then awesome, then rad, then boring, then downright terrible.
Apparently, if I get too detailed, I'm going to get my laptop taken away. Because certain people are stalking me on the internet. Oh, and if I get too detailed, someone else will find it and everything will be revealed and then
Oh no! there goes my life chances. As if I had any to begin with.
So because I can't do friggin' shit, why don't you enjoy my plagiarized drawings?
Either inspired by or just directly copied from certain
Giant Robot features. I don't have the energy to look right now. Hurrah for laziness and plagiarism! Two major plagues of this generation. Or every generation. Who gives a damn to find out.
I've been reading lotsa manga and watching lotsa anime and stealing lotsa screen pics and making lotsa edits to 'em. Will post later, since some of them aren't half bad (humor wise).
Remember people: you never had a chance. Give up now.
Oh, and I'm on Summer Break. For two days, because I'm taking college classes starting Monday.