Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obscure Dream extracted from Real Life and manga "Goong" and history class

So, I live in a sort of modern pre-Cold War magical monarchical Korea with a mainly desert geography, and we are being invaded by an evil huge country (I'm kinda thinking Georgia v. Russia right now, except this Korea is a little better off than Georgia). I happen to know the ruthless general in charge of the enemy army (the Dark Prince from Anatolia. Btw, the army is strangely German-like. I mean, I keep screaming "The Germans are coming! The Germans are coming!) and I find out that a traitor destroys are defense system and main army ("Mulan"/"300"). In attempt to help the citizens of the capital (which for some silly reason is right next to the border), I rush to my hotel room and warn everyone I can-- specifically: my sis Becca, classmates Jonathan, Holly, Nico, and Bio teacher Mr. Galang and his (false, because they were hot) roommates, and some random chicks next door who live in the hotel so I hid my laptop underneath their carpet so it could be safe from the bombs.
Well, everyone looks out their windows, and sure enough just outside the border (about 5 miles away from the city limits), there's a huge army fighting what little defenses we had left. Except nobody runs-- they just stand there, watching. Jonathan and I "fly" out of a window and run to the far side of the city, towards the palace.
During this race, Jonathan becomes a very hot tall bishie magical elf with long golden hair and eyes that turn from blood red to deep blue (think the main character from 1/2 Prince/ Yul from "Goong", except a thousand times hotter). >.< Please, people who know me and are reading this blog, don't think anything of how I saw Jonathan as a very hot bishie elf.  It's probably just my subconscious telling me that I should get together with him.  In fact, this character is so unlike Jonathan now that I don't even consider it Jonathan.  I get the feeling he's Elouiee, the hot Asian dude who got mad at me in the last dream I blogged about.
Anyway, we're running through the palace (it's very pretty and magical-elf-like) when we encounter the king, who's still just a little boy, being attended by an elderly servant (think the sick, perveted eunuch from "Goong").  However, Elouiee realizes that the eunuch is the traitor who destroyed our main forces and allows me to save the king.  However, we need to lure the king away from the eunuch, and once we did we planned to raise him as a normal child because we knew that Korea was done for and that the royal family would be slaughtered by my ruthless general friend.  Which means that because Elouiee and I saved him, we would have to hide him and prepare him to take back the throne.
Anyway, I get Elouiee to come to me by singing "London bridge is falling down" (from "Kuroshitsuji") as Elouiee fought a magical battle with the eunuch.  We race out of the city, chased by an actress/assasin sent by the eunuch to kill all 3 of us refugees.  Behind us, the capital is being bombed by an atomic bomb, so only Elouiee, the king, and I survive.  We manage to arrive safely in the next city, and after a long chase by the assasin in a major mall, we convince her to join our side (using our pheromones; kyaa~!).  Then, Elouiee says we must find others who can help us defend the king and become leaders to the eventual rise against the invading country.
People of this city have just witnessed the destruction of the capital, and are preparing to fight the invasion of this city, which will obviously be next.  Because people are showing their skills, it makes it much easier to pick who will be on our "team":
1. My old classmate Eldwin L., who I actually used to bully since my friends didn't like him, although I always thought he was a nice kid (lol, we're practicaly the same age).  The last time I saw him, he had very bad body coordination, and isn't very athletic.  However, in my dream he was a potential computer genius.
2. The really tall swordsman cosplayer that I saw at SacAnime, who was actually kinda nerdy and introverted like my old classmate Philip M. (lol, that's how I see him now; however, that kid was a genius, I swear >.<) except really tall.  Surprisingly, the cosplayer became really hot and was actually GOOD with his sword.  Why we would need a swords, I have no idea.  Perhaps to train the king?
3. My classmate Jimmy L (who I keep thinking is the creepy kid Raymond who I met at a summer math program and was the friend of my freakish boyfriend Kenny who I got together with during that summer).  I really DID NOT want him to be on the team because I didn't see what he was good for so he would just get in the way.  This is because he didn't have any awesome skills in my dream (sorry Jimmy); in fact, he was more of a clown (really sorry).  Now that I think about it, he would probably serve as the sacrificial decoy if we ever got in a tought situation (really REALLY sorry) and the king's secret attendant (more like nanny) who would teach him a sense of humor and good moral code (since I certainly don't have the morality to lead a nation, although I have the dream and skillzzz ;]  I don't think Elouiee-Jonathan did either).
4. Some guy (don't remember who) in my school who plays wallball, the stupidest game in the world.  However, it somehow honed his aim, so he was a really good archer.
Which reminds me, Elouiee wanted me to keep it a secret that he was an elfen mage.  Thinking about it, we probably didn't need more than me and him on the team because he was a really good warrior/archer/ninja/ whatever you want to call him, and we couldn't help having the assasin on the team (although she's a good addition in the end.  I think her name was Park Bo Young.  That's the only Korean actress I know), otherwise she would've pursued us to no end and we wouldn't be able to raise the king quietly without him realizing something sneaky.
5. Some 2 or 3 other guys.  I don't remember anymore, plus I woke up at about the time that the team was chosen.

Anyways, I do believe the plan was:
-get out of Korea
-raise the king on a farm in the countryside as a regular kid (without formalities and without telling him that he was king)
-educate the king (without telling him that's what it was) in fighting, history, leadership, the arts, and everything else that'll make him a super genius and really good king
-protect the king from being found by my ruthless general friend, who I knew would never give up on finding him because somehow he knew that I saved him from the atomic bomb.

Thinking about it, why the enemy didn't die from the bomb when they were so close, I'll never know.  Perhaps my general friend was also a very strong mage.  Anyways, I really liked that world, even if it was weird and twisted.  I wish it actually existed! TT.TT

Anyways, I've gotta start my homework now. 'Nite everyone.

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