Saturday, July 3, 2010

Feelin' good.

No really.  It's 7.54 am on a Saturday morning, I still haven't read the released Skip Beat and Bakuman chapters on onemanga even though they came out yesterday (because I haven't been online at all yesterday), I'm still wearing the pretty halter dress from yesterday (consequently, I don't smell very pretty right now), my dream was pretty weird, but... I'm still "feelin' good". Hehehee...
Anyway, that was the song that came to mind the moment I opened my eyes.

So yesterday I spent the day at Tsina's house, watching "The Lightning Thief" (2010) and "Rise of the Lycans" (2009).  Both movies weren't all that great, but at least the vampires and werewolves know how to fight.  Which reminds me, "Twilight" sucks and there seems to be a "omg, vampires are so cool" theme to the whole world lately.
Although really, the same could be said at me.  I hardly ever get out of the house to see stuff, so whenever I see large groups of people I kinda flip.  Like when I went to my friends' band performance for a summer program (it wasn't all that great.  Am I describing everything that way?): there were at least 250 teenagers and kids my age there.  The most I see at a time is 125 at my school, so of course I flipped.

Now before I go off to read manga, short summary of what I've been doing these last few days:

1. Writing stories.  See my blog that I finally have a use for, Watashi no chiyoumen.

2. Looking at other blogs:
Piano Street 
Fireside Musings

3. Adoring

That's Louis Vuitton, John Galliano, and Marc Jacobs.

5. Facebook.

'Kay, well that's all for now.  Visit Watashi no chiyoumen and read chapter 1 to mein story.